5 Tips To Get Back Into The SWING Of The Golf Season
The weather is warm, and your golf clubs are begging to get outside. After a long winter of staying indoors, watching the PGA tour and planning your courses, it’s time to put your skills back to the test. But time off can make your swing rusty. That’s where the pros come in. Glenn Hagberg, PGA Golf Pro, shares his best tips for getting back in the swing of things on the greens.
- Start with the putter – the best way to knock that rust off is to start with short putts. Work on alignment first and then work your way back to longer puts.
- Get chipping –get back in the rhythm by chipping several balls to hole locations. Set a goal for yourself of hitting your chips within a certain distance of the hole close enough to be able to make the putt.
- Think of distance on the greens – After a few months away, it can be difficult to get a good gauge on speed. Approach your mid- and long-range putts similar to chipping by rolling the ball close enough to make the 2nd putt..
- Have a thought process at the driving range – Think about tempo, timing and possibly shortening your swing to get the feel back. Create in your mind shots that you have to hit on the course and hit the fairway or green just like you’ll have to when you’re on the course.
- Make it a 1 shot environment – On the practice range create in your mind shots that you have to hit on the course and hit the fairway or green just like you’ll have to when you’re on the course
Here at Madden’s, we can’t wait for the season to start! See you on the links!
Oh, by the way, top off your lesson with our newest menu item at The Classic Grill “The Glenn Hagburger”!